18 March 2022

Hey Luv,

As women, we’re often told who to be, placed in a little box with no room to be our unfiltered selves.

Today (and everyday), we want to celebrate all the reasons that being your true self is actually heroic.

For the longest time, traditional, stay-at-home, and a too-safe sense of fashion-have been the expectations of women. More often than not, the most dominant yet weakest representations of humankind were women.
Today women enjoy equality with men in many areas- business, media, engineering, or the military, women are now well-represented. Women come across as more dynamic, confident, outspoken, inquisitive, unshakable in their convictions, and uncompromising.

Gone are the days when women were solely viewed as damsels in distress. Beyond the feminine exterior lies a modern and empowered hero. Our strength lies in our bravery to step up and act on things we believe in, armed with knowledge that cannot be stopped by external limitations.

We should empower our women to be the best drivers of growth and best hope for reconciliation. One should not belittle women’s ability to do things society thinks we cannot do. We cannot defeat radical ideologies or build resilient families and communities if we continuously draw a red line and post a sign that reads “Men only.”

I want you to constantly remind yourself that YOU ARE A HERO, not only to yourself, but to those around you. Continue feeding that passion, continue fueling that power because when the world lets you down, you pick yourself back up and show them that you are just as capable of being a hero as any man.

With love,

Jeanetta Cardine

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