14 March 2021

Happy Monday Luv,

We are fast approaching the end of March and there is a buzz in the air with things slowly getting into motion. February felt like a time when we were meant to rise from our slumber and prepare ourselves for the working seasons ahead.

Today is pretty straight forward. I am simply here to remind you that powerful is not always perfect. We are wired in a particular way, however, we are constantly evolving and being exposed to new methods of thinking. Yet, the way we view power and how people work in a powerful position or from a powerful character is always so linear.

A perfect image of a women having her “ducks in a row.” Knowing where she is headed and she’s heading there with great pace and determination as her driving force. We latch ourselves to this unrealistic notion that power is not synonymous to perfect. That these two words work hand in hand and cannot operate on its own.

Scratch that!

You are powerful right here and right now! In the moment as you read this email, you are carrying resilience and determination to learn something unfamiliar to you. You are powerful when you choose to rise from your brokenness and choose light. There is power in our everyday decisions. Not perfect power once we reach our mountain top. It is here, in the unveiling, wavering and often doubtful times where power comes alive.

Forbid the day we ever feel as though we have reached the peak in our lives and our purposes have simply diminished. There is power in you and the imperfection lies in the moments when you choose healing and action over waiting for a moment of perfection to arrive.

Until next time,

Jeanetta Cardine

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